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40 random facts about me

- I did work experience at Mizz magazine when I was 15. I spent my time phoning music companies for new releases, drooling over the male models that came in and sticking my head on the photocopier.
- When I was eleven I got to go behind the scenes of Starlight Express and watch the show (for free) from the lighting desk.
- I was in a swimming club in my youth and did biathlon and triathlons. To this day I can't run for shit.
- I started training for pentathlon but didn't take to fencing and couldn't stay on a horse when jumping! I got bruises galore but thankfully no broken bones.
- I'm actually a good shooter and score bulls eyes in spite of standing off centre from the target. I have to account for having big boobs.
- I don't watch soaps, apart from a few episodes whilst at university because my housemate watched ALL the soaps. They are not my idea of escapism.
- I've taken classes in making fascinators and tiaras and have never made any since 🙃
- I'm learning Japanese because I plan to travel there before the 2020 Olympics
- My family used to run a go cart track
- Key West is my happy place
- I saw Return of the Jedi in the states 6 months before it came out in the U.K. I was 6 at the time and remember the audience cheering and clapping when it finished.
- I have a fear of heights which I only discovered whilst at the top of the Stratosphere tower in Las Vegas.
- I also hate stepping onto down escalators.
- The first musical I saw in the west end was 42nd Street. It starred Catherine Zeta Jones. It has just made it's comeback after 30 odd years.
- I used to work for a PR company but left after a few months because I couldn't stand how bitchy they were. I went to work for an investment company instead and in spite of the long hours and competitive culture I enjoyed it way more than slagging people off all day.
- As of January this year I'm a certified sailor. It wasn't a burning ambition of mine I just took an opportunity* when it arose and found it quite enjoyable. *opportunity means give up a relaxing holiday in order to sit 3 exams. This is also known as crazy talk.
- I was in the audience on the show Channel 4 show The Word (remember Dani Behr and Terry Christian?) The band Shampoo was playing their song when the cameras swung round suddenly and me and my friend had to show some dance moves. It's the most hysterical ten seconds of fame 😂not least because I wasn't a fan of the band Shampoo.
- I was also on the kids tv show Hangar 17. Our school frequently provided kids for BBC shows. Cathy Dennis was the main guest and she was teeny tiny. Google her if you don't know her.
- I love live music and would put David Bowie's performance at NetAid as the best I've seen. Never really understood stage presence until then.
- I bumped into my old manager I used to work with 15 years ago, on Alcatraz. We were both visiting not doing time.
- Coolio played at my University summer ball and my housemate jumped up on stage with him. We spent many hours learning the dance from the MTV grind hip hop workout with Eric Nies. Coolio's fantastic voyage was my favourite track featured on it.
- I had a crush on Dana Ashbrook from Twin Peaks
- My favourite Audrey Hepburn film is not Breakfast at Tiffany's. I prefer How to steal a million as the sarcastic humour is subtle and charming.
- My dentist made me a bespoke plate when I was younger. I had a tooth that was growing behind the others so he included a spring to push my tooth forward. This ultimately saved me from having to have a fixed brace.
- I hate belly buttons they make me feel queasy. The term itself though is actually quite amusing.
- One of my favourite books is Roald Dahl's George's Marvellous Medicine. I also loved Rik Mayall's Jackanory version
- I had my upper helix pierced 23 years ago. It's funny it seems to be the trendy thing to do again. I took mine out when my hairdresser nearly ripped my ear off when it caught on his brush.
- I have a seahorse tattoo. No I'm not making any feminist statement with it, I just preferred it to having a Celtic symbol or tweety pie on my left (butt) cheek for eternity.
- Whilst in Rome our tour guide at the Colosseum told us we could get free entry into the Palatine after. However he disappeared off sharpish. My friend and I tracked him down and frogmarched him over to ensure he kept his word much to the amusement of our tour party.
- I used to have 3 Chinchillas
- My first car was a baby blue fiat panda it was like driving one of those naff hairdryers you get in hotel rooms.
- I believe in karma
- One of my favourite actors is Michael Kenneth Williams (Omar little in The Wire).
- Favourite actress is Sarah Michelle Geller (loved BTVS) clearly I have a thing for double barrelled names!
- When I was three I cut my own fringe. I picked the day before our family had professional photographs taken so it is immortalised in the photos by me having to wear a rather fetching brown headband.
- I have a degree and professional qualifications in HR and worked in the field for 8 years but now want to do something new.
- I'm not afraid to start again and learn something new. I think I will always be learning something.
- My favourite food is fish tacos
- I had lessons on how to play the drums in junior school but i've not played them since
- I turn 40 today.
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